Friday, November 18, 2011

One of those days...but not for long!

It is funny how children can take "one of those days" and make it all better! Today I found myself frazzled, frustrated, and just ready to freak out (good use of "f"un words)... then I looked at my kids. They were all talking about their day, playing with their youngest sister, just being kids and I had to smile! They weren't doing anything special, but that was what made it so great.  I just realized what great kids they are. I love my kids!  Like all kids they have good and bad moments, but for the most part they are really GREAT kids! I thank God for each of them in my life. Thank you, God, for giving me the greatest gift you could ever give me!

Thursday, November 10, 2011

And I am off...

So, I wanted to start really posting with a little about me and why I have decided to start this blog.  I guess you can tell from the title I have a passion for parenting…or at least I hope that is what the title connotes.  After 4 kids, do I really have a choice? 

Being a work from home/office mom can be challenging, but it can also bring so much joy!  With my first 3 children, I worked full time as a public school teacher.  My hours were great and my mom was my sitter so I thought it was the best of both worlds! 

Then almost 8 years later, I (to my surprise) had Julia, the fourth child.  My career had changed.  I was no longer a teacher; I had joined the corporate world and moved my family all the way across the country.  Now, with no local family support, how was I going to make this work? How was I going to even survive?

Survive? We are thriving!  I hope through this blog I can share the ups & downs, but most importantly …lessons learned along the way!

I hope you will join me for the journey!


Loving working and being "mom"

One of the things I love about my current job is that Julia can come with me...some days it is easier and other days....well, you can just imagine! Here she is hard at work!

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Classes are Starting!!

Well, it has been a wait but the classes are ready to begin!  I am starting with classes that are very near and dear to my heart and my family, the Baby Signs Program! Not sure what the Baby Signs Program is all about?  Then check out to read the research, learn about the benefits, and much more!  Don't forget I can teach classes and provide any of the products and resources that you need!

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Coming Soon!

Learn all about Embrace Parenting! Coming soon!  Offering prenatal to preschool educational experiences!