Friday, November 18, 2011

One of those days...but not for long!

It is funny how children can take "one of those days" and make it all better! Today I found myself frazzled, frustrated, and just ready to freak out (good use of "f"un words)... then I looked at my kids. They were all talking about their day, playing with their youngest sister, just being kids and I had to smile! They weren't doing anything special, but that was what made it so great.  I just realized what great kids they are. I love my kids!  Like all kids they have good and bad moments, but for the most part they are really GREAT kids! I thank God for each of them in my life. Thank you, God, for giving me the greatest gift you could ever give me!

Thursday, November 10, 2011

And I am off...

So, I wanted to start really posting with a little about me and why I have decided to start this blog.  I guess you can tell from the title I have a passion for parenting…or at least I hope that is what the title connotes.  After 4 kids, do I really have a choice? 

Being a work from home/office mom can be challenging, but it can also bring so much joy!  With my first 3 children, I worked full time as a public school teacher.  My hours were great and my mom was my sitter so I thought it was the best of both worlds! 

Then almost 8 years later, I (to my surprise) had Julia, the fourth child.  My career had changed.  I was no longer a teacher; I had joined the corporate world and moved my family all the way across the country.  Now, with no local family support, how was I going to make this work? How was I going to even survive?

Survive? We are thriving!  I hope through this blog I can share the ups & downs, but most importantly …lessons learned along the way!

I hope you will join me for the journey!


Loving working and being "mom"

One of the things I love about my current job is that Julia can come with me...some days it is easier and other days....well, you can just imagine! Here she is hard at work!